XBOX ONE – 100% Challenge – Day Negative 27


DAY: -27


So we are still 27 days away from the release of XBOX ONE and I had created a new YouTube channel to try to keep up with the latest trailers and news and all that jazz and then immediately got too lazy to do anything with it. SO…. I am giving myself a challenge for XBOX ONE. I am going to work towards 100% completion / 100% achievements for XBOX ONE exclusives (maybe 360 + ONE exclusives). I’m going to try to work daily on both Blog updates here and also Vlog updates on the YouTube channel. Links coming soon.

This will be play throughs, commentaries, guides, messing around videos. Just all kinds of things. Whatever I can come up with. This channel will be more about fun and messing around, but I do plan to continue to do guides also.

I don’t think we’ve seen any achievement lists or even really exact GS numbers yet but this is my list of launch or launch adjacent titles:

Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
The Fighter Within
Forza Motorsport 5
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf
Ryse: Son of Rome
Xbox Fitness

Of those so far I have pre-ordered Ryse and Dead Rising 3. And I’ll get Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct & Powerstar Golf at launch since those are LIVE titles.

My goal is to do these “legit”. No game saving or anything like that but I will definitely be boosting if something is absurd.

That’s really all I have today. I just wanted to get the start up and live so I can start thinking about how i want to track it and all that. If I missed a exclusive launch title or one of these is not exclusive please comment below.


NONE – No games or system to play yet.
