Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist – Assault Challenges

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Splinter Cell: Blacklist

This is a overview of the Assault level challenges in Blacklist.

Loud HeadshotsGet 10 Loud headshots without mark and execute1000010
Loud Head Shot StreakGet 2 loud head shots in a row without dying100002
Helmet PopsShoot 5 helmets off the heads of helmeted enemies using a loud weapon without mark and execute100005
Loud ExecutionerMark & Execute 15 enemies with loud weapons1000015
Hostage TakerKill 5 enemies with a loud weapon while holding a human shield100005
Human Shield Kill StreakKill 2 enemies in a row with a loud weapon while holding a human shield100002
Combat Hand to Hand KillsIn combat, kill 10 enemies using lethal H2H1000010
Combat H2H Kill StreakIn combat, kill 3 enemies in a row using lethal H2H300003
H2H Heavy KillsIn combat, kill 3 heavy infantry using lethal H2H100003
Frag Multi-KillKill 3 enemies using a single frag grenade300001
Incendiary Multi-KillKill 3 enemies using a single incendiary grenade300001
Proxy Mine Multi-KillKill 3 enemies using a single proximity grenade300001
Sticky Cam Multi-KillKill 3 enemies using a single sticky cam explosive300001
Breaching Charge KillsKill 2 hostiles using a breaching charge100002
Breaching Charge Kill StreakKill 3 enemies using a single breaching charge100001
Self DestructKill 5 enemies using a Tri-Rotor explosives, Tri-Rotor must be upgraded to level 2100005
KamikazeKill 3 enemies using a single Tri-Rotor explosive300001
Hip Shot KillsKill 10 enemies with an alternate weapon without aiming down sight1000010
Hip Shot Kill StreakKill 5 enemies in a row with an alternate weapon without aiming down sight300005
Human Grenade KillsKill 2 enemies with a single human grenade300001
BackfireKill 2 Drone Operators by blowing up their drones100002
Riot SuppressionKill 5 enemies while holding a Riot Shield100005
Explosive ExecuteMark and Execute environmental explosives and kill 1 hostiles in a single execute action300001

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Posted in Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

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