Payday 2 – Ghost Skill Tree

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Payday 2

We show you the skill tree for the Ghost in Payday 2.

Spending the first point in the Ghost skill tree unlocks the ability to use electronic countermeasure equipment, also known as the ECM jammer. When used, the ECM jammer can temporarily cancel out eletronic devices such as cell phones and cameras.

Ghost is a FANTASTIC tree of support skills. But they are that. Support. The main chunk of everyday every job skills will come from the other three.

Dead Presidents – Money is so much rarer than XP. You will find yourself with skill points and no money to actually use them. The bonus money also counts towards requirements for jobs like Four Stores. A MUST.
Lock Picking Expert – This allows you to lockpick safes. Much faster than drilling and is a high help if you want to stay silent so Shaped Charges are out.
Lucky Charm – About the only tier 6 skill I am excited about in any tree. All Mods and Mask parts are completely random. In over 30+ jobs i have only ever gotten 2 different masks. To get better items easier is absurd.
Cleaner – The ACE version allows you to bag and move bodies. This is an insane help if playing solo to get bodies out of the way so you don’t have to worry about them getting seen. Big help to teams also of course.

I haven’t done a lot of ECM jammers as their timing is short and it’s usually easier to just eliminate the security officer and any guards in the area and then you can just shoot or melee them.

11$4,5003$12,500Your chance of getting a higher quality item during PAYDAY is increased.
21$23,5003$69,500The time between swapping weapons is further reduced.
31$44,5003$132,500You gain increased stealth.
44$264,5008$528,500Your chance to dodge is further increased.
54$356,5008$712,500The time between swapping weapons is reduced for you.
64$452,5008$904,500Your chance to dodge is increased.
DEAD PRESIDENTS1Adds additional value to loot that you pick up. (ABOUT 15%)Adds even more value to loot that you pick up. (ABOUT ANOTHER 15%)
SPRINTER1The time before stamina regeneration starts is reduced and the regeneration rate of stamina is increased.Your sprint is increased and you have a better chance dodging enemy fire while moving.
CAT BURGLAR1You take less damage from falling.Your fall damage is reduced so that you only take armor damage from falling. Your custody time is reduced.
FAST HANDS2You can pack and interact with loot bags faster.Further increases your pack and interaction speed with loot bags.
CHAMELEON2Civilians and enemies find you less suspicious.You are less inclined to be targeted whe you are close to your crew members.
CLEANER2You deal additional damage against special enemies.You can bag and throw corpses.
SHINOBI3Your movement speed when you move and when you crouch are increased.Enemies do not cry out when shot or meleed to death.
MARTIAL ARTS3You are more likely to knock down an enemy with a melee strike.You take less damage from all melee attacks because of your training.
SMG SPECIALIST3Increases your reload speed of SMG weapons.Your weapon recoil with SMG weapons is reduced.
NINE LIVES4You gain the ability to absorb more damage before going into custody.When you get downed, you have a chance of get right back up.
ECM SPECIALIST4You can place two ECM jamemrs instead of just one.The ECM jammer duration is increased and the feedback duration lasts longer.
SILENT KILLER4You deal additional damage with all silenced weapons.You deal even more damage.
LOCKPICKING EXPERT5You interact faster while lockpicking.You can now silently crack safes by hand.
ECM OVERDRIVE5Your ECM jammer duraction is increased.Your ECM jammer can now also be used to open certain doors.
THE PROFESSIONAL5Your weapon recoil with silenced weapons is reduced.Your accuracy with silenced weapons is increased.
LUCKY CHARM6Your chance of getting a higher quality item during a PAYDAY is increased.Your chance is further increased.
ECM FEEDBACK6Adds a toggleable switch to the ECM jammer. When toggled, the ECM jammer has a chance to incapacitate your enemies within a certain radius.The ECM feedback duraction is increased.
MOVING TARGET6You can sprint while strafing.You can now sprint in any direction.

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