Call of Duty: Ghosts – Extinction Guide

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series Call of Duty: Ghosts

This covers all the information we have found for the new Extinction mode for Call of Duty: Ghosts. To unlock Extinction you need to complete ONE campaign mission. Then it will be available on the main menu.

Extinction is the new Zombies. It’s quite a bit more forgiving damage wise and you have a health and armor bar that is visible. You’re goal is to clear a area of alien hives using a drill. Once you place it you need to protect the drill from alien damage. Each Hive has a random challenge (like only melee) that gives you skill points you can use the upgrade your character in 5 different areas. These upgrades are for this play session and reset each time. There is experience and this unlocks new abilities and different weapons.

There are no doors to buy but there are still weapons to purchase throughout the area. There are also free ammo and attachment caches to find, traps, both electric and fire to utilize, along with turrets and the like.

When you have cleared all the hives of the area you need to protect a helicopter that comes in and destroys the link to the next area. The game plays out area after area and once you get to the end you need to fight your way back to the beginning to exfil and complete the game.


Each Hive will contain a random challenge. If you are able to complete the challenge you will be awarded skill points to advance your character. These reset between matches. Here are some of the challenges we have seen so far:

Use only melee attacks to damage aliens until the hive is destroyed
Keep shot accuracy at 75% or above until the hive is destroyed
Kill 15 aliens using pistols before the hive is destroyed
Do not allow the drill health to go below 50
Kill 5 aliens with propane tanks before the hive is destroyed
Kill 5 aliens with turrets before the hive is destroyed


Please check out our full Call of Duty: Ghosts Achievement / Trophy guide right HERE.

Note that Relics are unlocked once you hit level 30 and prestige your Extinction character.

220,000Ammo Type: Stun
325,000Tank, Elite Background
445,000Feral Instincts
565,000Engineer, Elite Background
695,000Grenade Turret
7125,000.44 Magnum Pistol
9Mortar Strike
12Incendiary Ammo
13M9A1 Pistol
14Team Booster
15Crowd Control
16MP-443 Grach Pistol
17Random Supplies
18Trinity Rocket
20Explosive Ammo
22Sentry Gun
23MK32 Launcher
25Armor Piercing Ammo
29Death Machine

Lvl 2

Lvl 5

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