Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare : Road To Prestige 16

This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series COD Advanced Warfare

So for Advanced Warfare I want to get to max prestige. I am actually racing a friend of mine to 16. My plan is to kind of challenge myself each Prestige with a goal. Prestige 1 I wanted to Diamond Camo a gun which I will talk about below and then so on. After the first 2 I’ll open it up to you guys as to what I should try to accomplish. Nothing crazy like launchers only because I do have to do it for 50 levels!

Prestige 1 – Bal-27

So I started Day Zero at noon and was Prestige 1 just after midnight. Just under 9 hours of gameplay. Took a few breaks and ate dinner with the family but this was Call of Duty day! I wanted to get diamond with the starting gun the Bal-27 hoping that all camo just meant level one of the camos. It did not. So there was no way I could get 500 longshots and 500 headshots when I was going up a level every single game. Also the Triple Kills are just plain stupid. They have to be extremely fast to count. I ended up with 1. Despite many many many 3 kills in a row, only once was it fast enough for it to count as a Triple Kill. I did get my 50 strafes and 50 dodges. Which pretty much go hand in hand. Also with the Royalty requiring ALL camos for the entire series of guns I wish they had done it Black Ops style where you kept your challenges. With Double XP the entire day it took me 54 games to Prestige.

40 Strafes from Prestige 1

Prestige 2 – Crossbow & Direct Impacts

So each Prestige you get to keep 1 item as a permanent unlock. I choose the Crossbow since it’s a very late level item (48) and I am a huge Direct Impact fan. My goal here is to maximize my DIs. This Prestige should take almost double the time since it’s won’t be 100% double xp so my goal is 100 DIs. Going to go Camo Exo to camp a little and sneak up for the Direct Impacts.


I’ve been a pretty hardcore gamer since the Xbox 360 came out. I’m was top 10 on TA for all Xbox ONE games for gamerscore. I created this site to house all my YouTube guide videos and everything else video game related we can come up with.


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Swaggers: I've been a pretty hardcore gamer since the Xbox 360 came out. I'm was top 10 on TA for all Xbox ONE games for gamerscore. I created this site to house all my YouTube guide videos and everything else video game related we can come up with.